
Main Slider - metroSTOR Highlights

On-street Cart & Dumpster Enclosures
Keeping Downtown Streets and Sidewalks Safer, Cleaner, and Greener
Secure on-street carts and dumpsters to keep trash and recycling where it belongsFind out more >>
Cart Recycling Housings
Capture more Recycling and Organics, from Multifamily to Downtown
User-friendly drop-off locations to improve recycling participation and qualityFind out more >>
Black wheeled dumpster
Reducing Contamination and Unauthorized Use
Help change behaviours with secure, low effort infrastructureFind out more >>
Drive organics participation while eliminating contamination
Delivering end-to-end visibility on how your organics drop-off facility is being used.Find out more >>
Reliable Sidewalk Waste Solutions
Convenient & Secure Public Trash Cans for Cleaner Neighborhoods
Durable and well-designed to prevent overflowing waste, deter pests and promote responsible disposalFind out more >>

metroSTOR product systems provide the robust yet user-friendly infrastructure needed to create cleaner, safer neighborhoods by ensuring trash, recycling and organics can be easily disposed of and safely contained. Our solutions prevent overflowing bins, windblown litter, rummaging and contaminations, making it easier for you to keep your environment clean and safe while increasing diversion rates.

We work with city authorities, developers, corporate campuses and universities to deliver durable, secure waste infrastructure across urban streets, public spaces, residential developments and transport hubs. Whether in dense city centres or rural communities, metroSTOR ensures waste is managed efficiently and sustainably.

Our 5C methodology, Capacity, Convenience, Communication, Consistency and Cleanliness, guides the design of waste containment solutions. We provide genuine qualitative improvements in local communities; reducing vermin, anti-social behaviour and unsightly mess, whilst addressing waste diversion and contamination targets.

DUMBO Waste & Recycling Carts

Dumbo installs new waste & recycling units with Manhattan Bridge backdrop

The Dumbo neighborhood in Brooklyn is taking strides toward a cleaner, greener future with the installation of a new metroSTOR waste and recycling unit, right beneath the iconic Manhattan Bridge. The metroSTOR waste and recycling units serve as a symbol of progress, highlighting Dumbo’s commitment to sustainable infrastructure and cleaner streets. The units themselves are designed for durability and efficiency in high-traffic areas and the modular design allows for the collection of multiple waste streams in this busy area.

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Client Testimonials

Successful recycling infrastructure relies on sufficient storage capacity for maximum anticipated volumes across all streams between collections, whether from households, businesses, streetside or public space environments. Compact metroSTOR units minimize footprint and visual impact, with integral features that enable operators to switch between recycling streams for seasonable fluctuations and changes in legislation. Units can accommodate bulky waste and be specified with access control to exclude unauthorized users, preventing over-filling.

Convenience makes it easier do the right thing, and recycling facilities must be situated within easy but appropriate reach of all points of generation, accessible and safe for everyone to use, including those with limited strength, mobility or vision. metroSTOR product systems are intuitive in everyday use with clear messaging for waste streams, easy load design including ADA-compliant options. Developed to be convenient for operators too, metroSTOR units work with the waste management infrastructure you have, from existing containerized to physical structures.

Waste diversion infrastructure supported with a visual language instantly recognizable for stream type, color coded with multi-lingual signage and clear line drawings is key to successfully educating changing population structures. metroSTOR units minimize consumer confusion and contamination rates with a proven, user-friendly door panel and waste stream aperture design, complemented by informative instruction and regular prompts. Messaging can be specified to maximise impact as users approach, and include advise on where non-accepted items are to be placed.

Waste and recycling facilities that look smart, are clean, inviting for users and instantly recognizable in different settings both local and regionally is central to the success of waste diversion initiatives. metroSTOR clean design enables product series with standardized color-coding, symbols and messaging to be used across all city communications, minimizing confusion with users and contamination rates. Compatible with containers and fleet infrastructure in common use eases successful adoption of new initiatives.

Good containment system design encloses carts and dumpsters to prevent wind-blown litter and reduce illegal dumping which in turn, reduces cleaning requirements in addition to the potential impacts of arson. metroSTOR product systems minimise user-contact with containers enclosed in the open position. Aperture systems physically limit contamination and units are easy to keep clean with minimal labor inputs, particularly relevant for those containing food scraps and yard waste.

Recycling Container Housings, zero waste solution
Empowering Communities to Compost Webinar

metroSTOR Webinar: Empowering Communities to Compost

Watch the recording for our webinar on Empowering Communities to Compost, and Learn how community drop-offs made composting accessible – especially in disadvantaged areas!
Domingo Morales of Compost Power shared his experience of setting up nine NYC compost sites and overcoming barriers in Public Authority Housing.

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Smart composting: metroSTOR work across DC to install food waste carts

In a significant step toward achieving the District’s Zero Waste goals, Washington’s Department of Public Works (DPW) has launched their Food Waste Smart Bin program, introducing the first 30 innovative food waste collection units citywide. The units, supplied by metroSTOR, are designed to facilitate composting and expand accessibility for food waste recycling across Washington, DC.

Trash revolution in DC
Organics Cart

Bunker Hill Waste & Recycling Containerization Pilot, Boston Housing Authority

New waste management pilot program at Bunker Hill improves waste management and boosts recycling by 22% with secure, rodent-proof enclosures and clear signage.

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metroKEY Smart Bin App

The metroKEY app is an interactive access control system, delivering end to end visibility on how the drop off facility is being used, with a user interface that actively encourages participation with fast sign up, easy to follow instructions, map locations of units, and clear information on what can be deposited. 

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With over 177,000 apartments, New York City Public Housing Authority is by far the largest Public Housing Authority in North America and provides a home for approximately 400,000 residents. We’re therefore thrilled to be working with NYCHA on a waste containerization project that will help create a cleaner environment for residents while making it easier for them to separate their recyclables at source and place them in the correct containers, conveniently located near their residence.

Client Feedback

The metroSTOR recycling stations currently at NYCHA’s Wagner Houses are durable and remain tidy one year following the installation. NYCHA residents have positively embraced the new system, stating the containers are much cleaner and more attractive than the previous system.
Louisa Denison
Programs and Policy Advisor NYCHA

Discover Your Waste & Recycling Infrastructure Solution