Keeping Downtown Streets and Sidewalks Safer, Cleaner, and Greener

Secure on-street carts and dumpsters to keep trash and recycling where it belongs

Why is it important to prioritize safer, cleaner streets?

Streets that are covered in trash not only unsightly, they have a negative impact on homes and businesses and the health and wellbeing of the people who live and work in them, with spiralling levels of vermin, crime and antisocial behavior. A well-managed approach to waste containment helps create cleaner, more welcoming neighborhoods for everyone.

Why is this more of an issue in high-density areas?

In busy urban areas, homes, restaurants and businesses often lack sufficient off-street storage for trash between collections. Narrow streets and sidewalks must accommodate parked vehicles, deliveries and pedestrian flow, making effective waste management even more critical. Many cities are now prohibiting the storage of bagged trash on sidewalks, and yet multiple roll-out carts for the trash bags can still be very unsightly, causing obstructions and safety risks.

How can this challenge be resolved?

Secure, lockable carts and dumpster enclosures provide a practical solution for high-density areas, keeping trash contained while reducing street clutter and potential hazards. metroSTOR waste enclosures are designed to blend seamlessly into the streetscape while maintaining easy access for authorized users and waste collection teams. By improving waste management infrastructure, we help create safer, cleaner urban environments.